

Medical assisting is one of the nation’s fastest growing occupations, 这意味着需要训练有素的医疗助理. If you are looking for a stable career in the healthcare field that will allow you to provide for your family, 考虑报名参加我们在蒙哥马利的医疗助理十大正规赌博平台大全, AL. 作为一名医疗助理, you can use your strengths as a compassionate and hard-working individual to make a lasting impact on people’s lives.


Fortis takes pride in preparing its students to pursue careers in the healthcare field. 通过实践培训, we will teach you the knowledge and skills you need to make healthcare clinics run smoothly and make a difference in patients’ lives.
通过在我们的蒙哥马利注册, 人工智能医疗助理计划, you will be taking the first step toward a stable and fulfilling career in the medical field. 以你所接受的教育, you will feel confident in your ability to handle a variety of real-world challenges and have the opportunity to explore new career paths in healthcare.

At our Medical Assistant 程序 in 蒙哥马利, you will learn how to:

  • 与其他医疗专业人员一起工作 为病人创造一个关怀及安全的环境.
  • 执行各种日常管理任务 so that medical offices stay organized and doctors and nurses can remain focused on patient care.
  • 能轻松适应快节奏的环境,迎接这个多才多艺的职位所固有的挑战..
通过课程作业和实践培训相结合,我们的 Medical Assistant 程序 in 蒙哥马利 will help you hone your skills so that you are prepared to work in a variety of environments as a medical assistant. No matter where you choose to pursue employment, you will have the 培训 and knowledge to thrive. 


“我喜欢了解一个陌生人的一切, 因为你永远不知道别人在经历什么."


蒙哥马利 is a city with an affordable cost of living and rising job market, 特别是在医疗保健领域. This makes it a great choice for those looking to train as medical assistants. 通过蒙哥马利医疗助理十大正规赌博平台大全的培训, you will be prepared for the many different employment opportunities available to you.

在民权运动中发挥了重要作用, 蒙哥马利 is home to a rich history that you can explore by visiting its many museums and monuments. It also has a vast amount of green spaces and trails that make it a great location for nature lovers and families.

除了历史遗迹和户外活动, 蒙哥马利还有很多其他的东西需要探索. 你可以参观天文馆或动物园, 参加这个城市众多的年度节日之一, 或者去克里斯热狗摊看看, 美国总统富兰克林. 罗斯福和猫王. With so many activities to do and sites to visit, 蒙哥马利 is an enjoyable place to work and live.

Graduates of our Medical Assistant 程序 in 阿拉巴马州 seek out many different hiring opportunities, 包括:

  • 杰克逊医院或浸信会医疗中心等医院
  • 医生办公室和诊所
  • 住院和门诊设施
  • 辅助生活中心

Our Medical Assistant 程序 in 阿拉巴马州 will prepare you for all types of responsibilities that you may encounter as a medical assistant, 包括直接照顾病人和管理工作. 无论环境如何, your Fortis education will set you up for a successful and stable career in the healthcare field.

找出什么是•拉提法W. 作为我们蒙哥马利,AL医疗助理计划的一部分学习

Venture into healthcare through our Medical Assistant 程序 in 阿拉巴马州

You can find our Medical Assistant 程序 in 蒙哥马利 just 4 miles west of Riverfront Park. 无论您是蒙哥马利的本地人还是从外地来的游客, 你进入我们的校园不会有任何问题. 

塞尔玛: 沿着80号州际公路往东走到蒙哥马利,然后从85号州际公路往北走3号出口. Follow Ann Street to Atlanta Highway, Fortis will be on your right.

来自伯明翰: Take I-65 S to Dickerson Street in 蒙哥马利 and get off on exit 172. 然后,从麦迪逊大道走到亚特兰大高速公路. 校园就在你的右边.

十大正规赌博平台大全因州和校园而异. 并非所有课程都在所有地点提供. 请联系当地校园了解认证信息.


